Having a studio is a fortunate and much appreciated indulgence. It is
wonderful to be able to leave brushes and paints exactly where you
want, only to return to find everything as you had left it. I prefer to
paint in the morning, in silence, although Zulu the 20-year-old African
Grey Parrot keeps me company with her whistling and singing. Light
streams in from windows on the south and west walls. The room is
sparsely decorated by choice except for the egg and bug collections and
a few choice items brought back from globe trotting.
As a girl I took painting lessons from Mrs. Francis, a flamboyant and exuberant woman at the old Art Gallery of Hamilton which was located just a couple of blocks away from our home. My sister and I would walk there and be in a class with about twenty students of all different ages. We were encouraged to experiment and have fun. We would also walk in the gallery alot, looking at paintings, many of which are still in the gallery’s permanent collection. Later I studied Art History at university and took some Life Drawing classes at the Ontario College of Art. Visiting art galleries and viewing exhibitions ranks right up there as one of my favourite activities. My idea of a good time would be to spend days in Paris, dribbling through the major galleries, stopping only to enjoy delectable meals.